Establishment of combined Effluent treatment plant (CETP) was primary and mandatory requirement of Sialkot Tannery Zone Project, the knowledge on the subject topic was limited with STAGL, accordingly, upon request of STAGL, UNIDO is extending technical assistance for designing and establishment of the plant. NEC consultant have been hired by UNIDO for designing of CETP including technology selection, detail drawings, preparation of tender documents and supervision of equipment installation and execution of trail running od plant. UNIOD arranged the review of CETP by engaging international experts. As per recommendations of UNIDO, STAGL adopted by following interventions in Nov 2017 to meet National and international requirements:
- CETP will be established on modular approach
- Three segregation channels would be constructed in the tanneries (Beam house, Chrome containing water and post tanning)
- Separate sulphide oxidation treatment is designed to avoid accidents and to reduce quantity of heavy metals containing sludge
After acceptance and adopting all recommendations, final design report was submitted by NEC in Jan 2018. The report was widely shared with relevant stakeholders and got acceptance by STAGL board and currently tender documents are under preparation.
In Sep 2018, STAGL will arrange consultative session for all stakeholders on NEC’s schematic presentation on CETP design and in same month 2018, tender would be summoned for appropriate proposals.
Recommendations on management and possible options for charging for CETP services were prepared by Mr. M. Straka (UNIDO). Recommendations were provided to STAGL for consideration. Management and recovery of the cost of CETP operation will be important for sustainability of CETP.